Raleigh Lawyer Applauds Police Efforts to Enhance Safety on Craigslist

The downsides to using Craigslist are numerous. Any post you put up almost always guarantees a flood of spam emails to your Inbox. Scam listings abound, and criminals and sex traffickers use it to clandestinely promote their business or move stolen goods. Worst of all, people in some parts of the country have been murdered after engaging in a Craigslist transaction. Yet, many still continue to rely on the service, including Raleigh residents and students looking to offload used goods or to quickly acquire furniture and other items for the home.

Operation Safe Sale

To curb crimes related to the use of Craigslist and similar sites, the Wake Forest Police department launched Operation Safe Sale this past May. The program is part of a nationwide effort by police to ensure safe transactions between buyers and sellers on these sites. Through the Safe Sale initiative, residents can ask the help of the police to verify that an item isn’t stolen, or to be present when meeting a buyer or seller at a safe location.

At the behest of a buyer or seller, a police officer can run an item’s serial number and check to see if the item has been entered into state or national databases as stolen property. Likewise, both parties can come to the police station and conduct the transaction within the premises. A spokesman for the WFPD added that as long as the department is given a day’s notice, an officer can be present to witness the transaction.

With so many crimes being committed through sites like Craigslist, the WFPD’s Safe Sale program is a welcome development. Trusted Raleigh law firms like Kurtz & Blum, PLLC applaud this initiative, as it not only helps ensure safety, but is also a good way to foster community-police relations. Wake Forest residents can feel safer and know that their local police is doing its job to serve and protect them.

Protect yourself from becoming a victim of a Craigslist crime.

No one wishes to be a victim of a crime, especially those who simply want to buy or sell items off Craigslist. Make sure to protect yourself by taking advantage of the Safe Sale program on your next transaction. In the event that you or someone you know does become a victim of a crime, be sure to contact the police right away.

Conversely, getting arrested for selling contraband or stolen goods is always a possibility under different circumstances. If this happens, contact a well-known Raleigh lawyer to help protect your rights.


  • Wake Forest Police Department launches Operation Safe Sale, The News & Observer, May 29, 2015
  • Wake Forest Police Join Effort to Cut Down on Craigslist Crimes, abc11.com, May 24, 2015