Raleigh’s bustling nightlife often draws crowds. At times though, cocktails, whiskeys, and draft brews come with a price—and sadly, the cost has nothing to do with the bar tab. As the News Observer staff reports, law enforcement agencies from around Wake County ensnared and charged 23 motorists for driving while impaired (DWI) at a single checkpoint on Capital Boulevard last December.’
“The Wake County Magistrate’s office was also on hand to help with arrests.
The N.C. Department of Health and Human Services’ Forensic Test for Alcohol Branch also brought along its BAT Mobile, a mobile blood-alcohol testing center.”
With these task force operations increasing in regularity, residents who enjoy the city’s nightlife must be extremely careful. Going out for drinks with family or friends can be a lot of fun, but asking someone in the group to be the designated driver is always the responsible thing to do. Otherwise, the party might come to a sobering end very quickly at a DWI checkpoint, not to mention the very real risk of getting into an accident.
A sobriety checkpoint in Raleigh allows law enforcement officials to stop any vehicle on a public road without reasonable suspicion. Any individual who is charged with DWI at a sobriety checkpoint should consult with a qualified Raleigh DWI lawyer on how best to deal with their case.
While a checkpoint allows authorities to stop any driver, they still need to be properly setup and follow necessary guidelines. If the checkpoint was not properly set up or doesn’t meet the required standards, a skilled DWI attorney may be able to help get the charge dismissed.
Sobriety checkpoints are more common than ever in North Carolina, but residents still need to ensure that their rights are being protected when stopped at a DWI checkpoint. If you or someone you know has been charged with DWI in Raleigh please call 919-832-7700 to speak with a DWI attorney with Kurtz & Blum, PLLC who will help determine the ideal defense course of action.
(Article Information from Raleigh checkpoint nets 23 DWI charges, Newsobserver.com, Published 21 December 2013)