Raleigh DWI Lawyer Says Wake County Tops List of Most New Year’s Eve DWI Arrests

Two of the NC triangle counties may have had too much fun over the holidays, according to recent data. New North Carolina Department of Transportation data shows it to be among the top five counties with the most DWI arrests during the yuletide season.

Over the holidays, the Governor’s Highway Safety Program’s Holiday “Booze It & Lose It” anti-DWI four-week campaign yielded 2,400 alcohol-related offenders, while another 264 were drug-related.

The top offenders during this campaign included Wake County (247), Guilford County (177), Mecklenberg County (162), Cumberland County (117), and Forsyth County (110). Beyond these numbers, what this reveals is an overabundance of DWI charges confronting the courts–and these figures are from just one season in the entire year.

The Repercussions of DWI Charges

The consequences of a DWI charge can wreak utter havoc upon your life. A DWI charge at its worst might also include a matter of damages to yours or another’s property which might include severe or even fatal injuries to third parties.

A DWI conviction is a criminal offense, usually with accompanying hefty fines and penalties attached. Most of the time, the police are able to flag down suspicious drivers before inflicting any real damage. In any of these situations, you’ll need the assistance of a qualified and experienced DWI lawyer immediately.

Legal Assistance for DWI

It’s crucial that you contact a criminal defense attorney after being charged with DWI so that you can promptly begin building a solid defense. Law enforcement agencies continue to ratchet up DWI surveillance in the name of public safety. Therefore, it is critical that all drivers be vigilant when it comes to alcohol consumption.

Though a conviction for DWI might be devastating, just being charged will certainly affect your life’s routine. A conviction leads to the loss of your driver’s license and likely, an enormous increase in your insurance premium. Of course, the obvious results–a permanent criminal record, likely probation and possible jail time in certain cases–should prompt any driver to carefully watch their alcohol consumption before they get back on the road.

A DWI charge will cost you money and likely take time away from your work to fight your case. Simply put, there is just too much at stake to not act quickly in regard to seeking help from a DWI lawyer once you are charged.

How can they help?

DWI lawyers are well-versed with the local laws. The criminal justice system is a complicated environment and can be tough to navigate, especially when the circumstances surrounding the case may already slanted against the offender.

Retaining a reliable legal defender to stand by your side is your best chance to mitigate the penalties. A DWI lawyer will commit to a sound, reliable legal defense. If the police did not conduct the arrest correctly or failed to obtain and retain the proper evidence, you might just find that the entire charge is dropped. Or perhaps the penalties might be negotiated to a minimum.

The criminal defense attorneys with Kurtz & Blum, PLLC are here to help if you do become involved in a DWI case. Don’t hesitate to call for us legal assistance at 919-832-7700.


  • 2 Triad Counties in Top 5 DWI Arrests During Holidays: NCDOT. WFMYNews2.com.
  • How to Beat a DUI – 10 Different Ways to Fight Your Charge. DUIWise.