Best Raleigh Law Firm Blog from The Experienced Attorneys of Kurtz & Blum

Frozen Embryos in Divorce

Recently, the world watched as the legal dispute between “Modern Family” star Sofia Vergara and ex-fiancé Nick Loeb unfolded, particularly because both parties were battling over the frozen embryos they created. The high-profile case brings attention to the debate on what the law states regarding assisted reproductive technologies (ART) and…

The Concept of “Low Blow” in DWI Cases

Everyone is subject to DWI arrest if the police finds probable cause that you have been driving while under the influence of alcohol. Even members of law enforcement aren’t exempt from DWI charges. Such was the case of a Sheriff’s Deputy from Lincoln County, who resigned from his post after…

Double Jeopardy Clause in Sexual Offense Charges

Robert Edward Whiteside, a 46-year old man was arrested for suspicion that he was holding a woman from Germany in involuntary servitude in a secret room at a Zebulon warehouse. Originally, Whiteside was charged with one count of sexual servitude of an adult victim. Recently, however, federal authorities have taken over…

Han Solo v. Greedo: Is it O.K. that Han shot first?

The Case of Han Solo v. Greedo Normally on this blog, we like to focus on analyzing recent news stories, bringing you updates about changes in the law, or giving you helpful legal tips that might help you avoid a jam. This week, we’re taking a slightly different track. The Star Wars franchise is one of…

“Good News” for Those with Limited Driving Privileges

In North Carolina, drivers licenses can be suspended or revoked due to alcohol-related offenses or certain convictions, or if they accumulated points in their records due to moving violations and other infractions. Depending on the severity of the offenses, a driver’s license is suspended or revoked for varying periods of…

Death of Local Teen Tied to Drug Deal Gone Wrong

Prohibition May Not Be Answer To Ending Drug-Related Crime Although the drug trade is certainly alive and well in Wake County, overall we are blessed to have little in the way of drug-related violence that plagues other areas of the country or the world. However, the buying and selling of drugs is…

The Need for Mediation in a Divorce Settlement

When a married couple decides to part ways, going to the court is perhaps among the steps they will make, especially when it comes to deciding matters regarding property division, child custody and support, alimony, and other divorce-related issues. At times, however, divorcing couples don’t need to involve the court…

A Note on “Wet Reckless” Reductions for DWIs

A Suggestion for DWI Reductions One question that comes up again and again with clients facing their first charge of Driving While Impaired (DWI) is, “What can be done to get this charge reduced to something less serious?” While DWI is not a felony, it is still a more serious criminal offense and…