Best Raleigh Law Firm Blog from The Experienced Attorneys of Kurtz & Blum

About DWI Arrest Quotas in Raleigh

Police officers have been accused of having either formal or informal quotas regarding the number of DWI arrests they make. This notion has been widely rejected nationwide, North Carolina included. However, North Carolina does not have an anti-quota statute, and certain evidence suggest that such while DWI quotas may not…

What to Know About Recording the Police Being a lawyer is a relatively conservative profession. Although we get young practitioners every year and though technology advances forward inexorably, the actual practice of law and the application of technology to the law can be slow-moving as compared to professions such as engineering or…

Recent Train Accidents in NC, NY, CA

There seems to be plenty of accidents involving trains recently. Last March in North Carolina, an Amtrak train crashed into a tractor-trailer that was stuck in the railroad crossing tracks. The truck driver was trying to make a left-hand turn onto a Halifax highway but failed to navigate the crossing….

How to Fight an Underage Drinking Ticket in NC

North Carolina’s underage drinking laws are clear: You must be 21 or older to purchase, possess, or consume alcoholic drinks. College students tend to put themselves at risk the most, so we’ve compiles a short lesson on what students need to know about the drinking alcohol and the laws in…

Traffic Ticket Overhaul in Wake County For the first time in almost 30 years, Wake County residents elected a new District Attorney last November. Since she has taken office, Lorrin Freeman, the new District Attorney for Wake County, has made some noteworthy changes to how her office will be handling cases…

Implied Consent in North Carolina

In North Carolina, if you’re driving then if charged with certain offenses you’ve given the state your “implied consent” to submit to a chemical test to check for the presence of alcohol in your system. You probably would not be surprised to learn that such an offense is known as…

Thoughts on The Case of Darryl Howard

You may remember the case of Darryl Anthony Howard, a 53-year-old man from Durham County who was sentenced in 1995 of two counts of second-degree murder we highlighted in a blog post last year. Howard was found guilty for the homicides of Doris and Nishonda Washington, a mother and daughter from Durham,…

The Role of a Lawyer in Workplace Injury Cases

Workplace injuries would be a lot more common if there weren’t well-thought-out safety regulations in place that are rigorously enforced by the government. However, safety standards aren’t set in stone – in order to be as effective as possible, they need to be reviewed regularly. The State of North Carolina…