Category: Criminal Defense

According to poll results released in May 2017, 80% of North Carolinians want medical marijuana legalized. Support was strong from both sides of the political fence, with 83% of Democrats and 73% of Republicans approving of the idea. Millennials – individuals born in 1981 or later – were its staunchest supporters…

Jordan Edwards, 15 years old, was killed by a police officer on Saturday, April 29 in Balch Springs, Texas. The police’s account of that night was that there was party where underage drinking was happening. Gun shots were heard and because a car of teenagers was driving towards the police…

If a witness refuses to talk to a district attorney, the law gives prosecutors a way to compel these witnesses to show up through the issuance of a subpoena. However, before the judge can issue a subpoena, the prosecutors must first present a convincing argument that the witness’s testimony is…

Chicago and other major cities remain in the news as they continue to struggle with high murder rates. In fact, the city of Chicago has witnessed a 50 percent increase in its murder rate during a one-year period, and this area is not alone. Thankfully, cities across America are seeing…

Understanding the Complexities of Sexual Abuse Defenses Although abhorrent to most people, sexual abuse is a reality that must be faced and dealt with in our society. Individuals charged with any type of sexual abuse will often face difficulties in defending themselves, as society tends to view these crimes as…